
Enterprise Search Core Results XSLT Transformation

You can modify the Search Core Results Web Part XSLT Transformation (XSLT) to change how the search results appear on search results pages. This topic describes the Search Core Results Web Part XSLT, and how you can customize it.

The following scenarios offer examples of when it may be useful for you to modify this code:

- You want to make minor changes to the display of search results by modifying the existing templates in the default XSLT.
- You want to make more complex changes to the display of search results by adding new templates to the XSLT.
- You want to conditionally change the display of certain results, depending on one of the property values that is returned.
- You need to modify the XSLT to display a property that you added to the default set of properties returned in the search results.
- You want to modify the display templates to use a custom cascading style sheet class in place of the default cascading style sheet classes.


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