
Control 12 Servos with Arduino using Serial Monitor

Disclaimer: I have tested these instructions and this code and it works for me. However, you must use it at your own risk. I am not responsible for any damage it may do to your data or your hardware.

Using this code, you can control 12 servos with an Arduino.

For each servo, it's possible to define the position angle with Serial Monitor tool.

Syntax using Serial Monitor:
1.045 = move Servo 1 to position 45 degree
2.120 = move Servo 2 to position 120 degree
10.073 = move Servo 10 to position 73 degree

It's important prefix the position with 0 when the position angle is smaller then 100 degree!

#include <Servo.h>

// declare servo objects
Servo servo00;
Servo servo01;
Servo servo02;
Servo servo03;
Servo servo04;

Servo servo05;
Servo servo06;
Servo servo07;
Servo servo08;
Servo servo09;

Servo servo10;
Servo servo11;

// declare servo angle variables and setting initial values
int servo00Angle;
int servo01Angle;
int servo02Angle;
int servo03Angle;
int servo04Angle;

int servo05Angle;
int servo06Angle;
int servo07Angle;
int servo08Angle;
int servo09Angle;

int servo10Angle;
int servo11Angle;

// declare a char array to buffer (5 byte) the inputs from Serial Monitor window
char serialMonitorBuffer [5];

float value;
int row = 0;

// The setup() function is called when a sketch starts. 
void setup()
  // Sets the data rate in bits per second (baud) for serial data transmission.

  // Attach the Servo variable to a pin.



void loop()
  // Get the number of bytes (characters) available for reading from the serial port.
  // This is data that's already arrived and stored in the serial receive buffe
  if (Serial.available())

    // store serial data into buffer array (5 byte)
    int i=0;     
    while(i < 5)
      serialMonitorBuffer[i] = Serial.read();

    // Flushes the buffer of incoming serial data.
    // That is, any call to Serial.read() or Serial.available() will return
    // only data received after all the most recent call to Serial.flush(). 

    // convert numeric string to float
    value = atof(serialMonitorBuffer);


    // Prints data to the serial port as human-readable ASCII text.

    // if 99 is given, set servos to initial position
    if(value > 99)
    else if(value > 11.0)
      float angle = (value - 11.0) * 1000;
      servo11Angle = (int)angle;
    else if(value > 10.0)
      float angle = (value - 10.0) * 1000;
      servo10Angle = (int)angle;
    else if(value > 9.0)
      float angle = (value - 9.0) * 1000;
      servo09Angle = (int)angle;
    else if(value > 8.0)
      float angle = (value - 8.0) * 1000;
      servo08Angle = (int)angle;
    else if(value > 7.0)
      float angle = (value - 7.0) * 1000;
      servo07Angle = (int)angle;
    else if(value > 6.0)
      float angle = (value - 6.0) * 1000;
      servo06Angle = (int)angle;
    else if(value > 5.0)
      float angle = (value - 5.0) * 1000;
      servo05Angle = (int)angle;
    else if(value > 4.0)
      float angle = (value - 4.0) * 1000;
      servo04Angle = (int)angle;
    else if(value > 3.0)
      float angle = (value - 3.0) * 1000;
      servo03Angle = (int)angle;
    else if(value > 2.0)
      float angle = (value - 2.0) * 1000;
      servo02Angle = (int)angle;
    else if(value > 1.0)
      float angle = (value - 1.0) * 1000;
      servo01Angle = (int)angle;
    else if(value > 0.0)
      float angle = (value - 0.0) * 1000;
      servo00Angle = (int)angle;

  //  printOutServoAngles();
  if(value > 0.0)

  value = 0;





void setInitialPositionValues()
  servo00Angle = 84;
  servo01Angle = 80;
  servo02Angle = 86;
  servo03Angle = 79;
  servo04Angle = 95;

  servo05Angle = 85;
  servo06Angle = 85;
  servo07Angle = 85;
  servo08Angle = 81;
  servo09Angle = 88;

  servo10Angle = 79;
  servo11Angle = 79;

void printOutServoAnglesToCsv()

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